Twitter for Academics: Scholarly Communication

My involvement in the academic community on Twitter--particularly that of biblical and religious scholars--has positioned me in a unique vantage point, where I see the way academics interact and share information and research and identify that Twitter is actually making a difference in the way scholarship is being enacted in this digital age.


Here is a short presentation on how Twitter is being used by scholars, and the ways it's changing what scholarly communication looks like.

References and further reading

Costas, R., Zahedi, Z., & Wouters, P. (2014). Do altmetrics correlate with citations? Extensive  comparison of altmetric indicators with citations from a multidisciplinary perspective.  arXiv:1401.4321 [cs]. Retrieved from

Darling E.S., Shiffman D., Côté I.M., Drew J.A. (2013) The role of Twitter in the life cycle of a scientific publication. PeerJ PrePrints 1:e16v1 Retrieved from

Darling, E. (2013). It’s time for scientists to tweet. The Conversation. Retrieved from

Galloway, L.M., Pease, J.L., and Rauh, A.E.  (2013). Introduction to Altmetrics for Science, Technology,  Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Librarians. Science  & Technology Libraries 32 (4): 335–45. Retrieved from

McIntyre, G. (2013). Altmetric: Capturing and Measuring Impact in the Social Media Space. ACS WA Conference 2013, 12th November, 2013, Empyrean Function Centre, Perth, Western Australia. Retrieved from

Perez-Riverol, Y (2014). In the ERA of science communication, Why you need Twitter, Professional Blog and ImpactStory? BioCode’s Notes. Retrieved from

Priem, J. and Costello, K. L. (2010). How and why scholars cite on Twitter. Proc. Am. Soc. Info. Sci. Tech., 47: 1–4.

Sud, P., & Thelwall, M. (2014). Evaluating altmetrics. Scientometrics 98(2), 1131‐1143.

Young, J (2009). 10 high fliers on Twitter. The Chronicle of Higher Education. Retrieved from